Thursday, June 16, 2011

Madigan's Cafe at the Market this week!

We have a bonus for you at the market this week! A new restaurant is coming to town soon and they have agreed to come by with FREE SAMPLES this Saturday! Their chef will feature pork tenderloin, hummus and a special type of creamy donut!! 

Madigan's Cafe will be going into the location where Princes Hill Deli is now located.  Click here for a link to an article about them from the Barrington Patch! 

The Greenhorns Movie

From our friends at Farm Fresh RI:

"The Greenhorns" is a film about young farmers in America. 
It is a traveling documentary film project used to promote awareness about the decline of the agricultural industry, enliven discussion about these issues amongst a broad audience, and to explore the lives of the young farming community in the United States.

Some RI farmers are supposed to be featured in the film!

There are two opportunities to watch the film.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Farm Fresh RI!

Have you seen our page on the Farm Fresh RI website?  They do a wonderful job letting everyone know what is happening with farmers markets and LOCALLY produced products in general!

Go Local Page on the Farm Fresh Website.

Farm Fresh Main Page.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 2 Festivities!

In addition to more than 20 vendors selling LOCALLY grown and/or produced products and services, this week's Market will feature Stony Creek Farm from Swansea.  It will be great fun for the kids with a petting zoo with mini-goats, ducks, chickens and rabbits, plus pony rides!

For more information on Stony Creek Farm, check out their website!

Week 1 Photos!

We got off to an incredible start!  Thanks to everyone for coming out for our opening week!  The weather couldn't have been better and it was so nice to see so many smiling faces!  Here are some pictures!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Opening Day is here!

After a long, cold winter, Opening Day is finally here!  We can't wait to get started and hope to see you every Saturday!